
Januar 05, 2014


I hope you all had a really great night ;) 

This year is going to be the year of changes! 
My New Year Resolutions:

1. Graduate! 

This is the main thing I want to do this year. And then? 

This picture describes exactly how I feel! But we will see what is going to happen the next few months :)

2. Prom!

This is the thing I'm most excited. It takes place next Saturday. And i cannot tell you how happy I am. :)

My dress :)
3. to set forth! 

Something really important for me. Having my own apartment with some friends. 
Living without my parents is going to be the biggest change. 

dream apartment (and yes I know this will never happen the next few years :( )

4. University

Hopefully I decide what I want to study. I am glad that there are a few months left until I have to decide. 

This are my main Resolutions I'm working for and hopefully everything turns out the way I want it.

xoxo Caroline

pictures via pinterest

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