
September 30, 2013


When I'm not really in the mood for cooking, an easy salad with grilled chicken and some veggies is my go to.
This time I took some chicken breast with an apple-bell pepper marinate and some veggies I found in the garden. In this case onions, zucchini and eggplant.

What you'll need:

salad of your choice
marinated chicken
small zucchini
small eggplant
olive oil
lemon juice
salt and pepper

For the chicken marinate you need some bell-pepper powder, apple juice, garlic, honey, olive oil, salt and pepper. Mix all the ingredients together and put the chicken breast into it, and let it sit for at least an hour. 
I would suggest marinate the chicken breast one day before.
Season the veggies with salt and pepper.

Take a pan with some olive oil and before you put the chicken into it, use some fresh rosemarin and garlic to give the oil some extra flavour.
Roast the chicken breast gently and make sure your not burning it.
When the meat is almost finished put the veggies in the same pan an roast them as  well.
When everything is finished slice up some bread and put it in the same empty pan and roast is until it's crisp.

For the salad i chopped a tomato for more colour and some fresh basil. I put everything on a plate and seasoned everything with salt, pepper, olive oil, vinegar and fresh lemon juice.

I hope you like it!

xox caroline

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